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Resolution des 11. Treffens des EL-Netzwerks Gewerkschaften

  • Samstag, 12. Mai 2012 @ 23:00
International RESOLUTION: The workers' struggles and the social mobilization as an important legacy - for the prospect of a “Left Turn” in Europe

11th Meeting of the Network of Trade Unionists in and behind the Party of the European Left

The hard austerity measures, the dissolution of working relations and the demolition of the public structure across Europe, all based on the Stability Pact, the recent “Euro+ Pact” and the "Europe 2020" strategy, have deteriorated the effects of the economic crisis across Europe. This has led to a dramatic recession, increasing unemployment and a significant reduction in the income of workers. As a result, a big part of the European working class has sunk into despair. Especially in southern Europe, growing segments of the population live under poverty, a phenomenon exacerbated by the dismantling of the welfare state structures, due to the neoliberal policies. In countries experiencing serious financial and public debt problems, these harsh policies are accompanied by a “terror therapy”, using dilemmas and “dead-ends”, in an attempt to eliminate the reactions of the societies. Reactions, though, took place with an increasing intensity and massiveness in many corners of Europe.

A stream of protests broke out, initially in Spain and Greece, then Portugal, Ireland and elsewhere. Both the spontaneous movements of indignation, and the mobilization of trade union and labor movement, led to direct questioning and delegitimization of these policies.

The recent major electoral successes of the Left in Greece and France show that a large proportion of the people now realize that there is an alternative way, against the dogmatic neoliberal "one way" proposed by the EU leadership and the strong European governments.

We believe, that the ongoing struggle of the workers, along with the social mobilization, are an important heritage for the prospect of a significant political shift in Europe towards the left.

We encourage and enhance with all our strength the struggle against the suffocating neoliberal austerity policies. We are working to spread this struggle in all countries across Europe. In addition, we claim the right for a European strike as the workers' answer to these policies at pan-European level.

We promote the organization of a European Action Day organized by EL parties and the trade unions at the local level, as a means for an effective coordination of the struggle across our continent.

With our active presence, we build the foundation for a strong "Left Turn" in Europe, with political hegemony of the forces of the European Left.